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Found 642 results for any of the keywords the republicans. Time 0.008 seconds.
Senate | 538 RefugeesThe Senate Seat Series Of the 33 Seats up for election in next year, two-thirds are Democratic seats. This means there is a good chance that control of the Senate could go to the Republicans in what would essentially be
Renewing America | Council on Foreign RelationsThe Council on Foreign Relations analyzes how to keep the United States economically competitive through policies on trade, energy and climate, infrastructure, immigration, innovation, and education.
All A-Twitter - The New York TimesChatter on #dontgo, a Twitter-based effort by conservatives to force a vote on new oil drilling during the House’s August recess. Best Politics, ,Business, Education, Technology CommentaryWhat Does A Trump Second Term Mean?
Frédéric Lefebvre - WikipediaLefebvre was a candidate in the 2016 Republican presidential primary. 9 | Creep Of The Week: Donald Trump... Making His SupremCreep Of The Week: Donald Trump... Making His Supreme Court D rsquo;Anne Witkowski nbsp;- November 2-8, 2020 On Monday, Oct. 27, Donald Trump...
2 Helena Handbaskets | Going our way ? | Page 2I have noticed that the gun control advocates have been using the limits to the 1st amendment to justify limits of the 2nd amendment.
Yellow Stripes Dead Armadillos A safe place for moderates in a polA Roundup of Other Moderate Voices Get Some New Players In a piece which appeared in the Wisconsin State Journal on February 13th, syndicated columnist Froma Harrop offered three pieces of advice for Democrats: be quiet
Iowa CaucusIowa Caucus site is providing information on the Iowa caucuses and events that will take place up to and during the events surounding the nomination process of the canidates for both the Democratic and Republican party i
Open the FutureGeoengineering would be risky, likely to provoke international tension, and certain to have unexpected consequences. It may also be inevitable.
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